Our Stories

Police Me Too has been set up by a victim/survivor

Amplifying the voices of women and girls who were abused by police instead of protected.
Each and every one of us deserves to be heard.
So, let’s show every police force that it isn’t just ‘one bad apple’, but their culture. We need structural and systemic changes to address the institutionalised misogyny and the closing of ranks. We need it to change. Now.

Trigger Warning for site content

*Please note that stories submitted here are moderated so it could take a little time before we publish them to the site – please bear with us!

Sarah | Abused For Reporting Abuse

I married a police officer 15 years my senior at the age of 23. Psychological abuse was daily with being woken in the early hours with allegations of leaving doors unlocked or altering the heating. I had to reduce my hours at work to accommodate the grilling schedule I was

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Lizzieemma | Nothing changes

Married at 18 to a Metropolitan Policeman I was continually beaten for five years – on several occasions hospitalised (I was too frightened to say how I got my injuries as he threatened “to shoot the kneecaps off of me” !) I managed to escape and go into hiding. He

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Rose | No where to turn

I was abused by a current serving police officer over many years. I was raped, pinned down, sexually assaulted. The thing I can remember most about that time, is the sound of my baby crying in the next room, and me being unable to get to her. I reported him.

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Stroke victim a decade | Just wouldn’t stop

I was a lone parent who’d had a stroke and had 3 children. My son was in trouble with the police often but this officer, who knew that I’d had a stroke took it apon himself to take me “under his wing”. He would come to my house often on

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| Sexual assaults

When I was early 20’s and fairly new to police I was a minority being female, I was young, thin, ok figure. I think the fact I was female was enough for the boys I worked with. I was a serving police officer on the front line. I nearly lost

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Smores | Kent Police, culture of corrupt policing

I met my now ex husband having escaped a previous convicted violent domestic abuse perpetrator and career criminal. I thought because my new partner was a police officer, that he wouldn’t be anything like my ex partner. How wrong was I!!! Initially I was blinded by the high degree of

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R.C | S.A when a kid

I was street sleeping in Delamere Park in Manchester as a teenager in about 92/93 and was sexually assaulted by a policeman while his colleague stood guard. Constabulary: Greater Manchester Police Timespan: Around 1993 Did you report it to the police?: No Your ethnicity: White British Have you experienced suicidality

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Uncomfortable with Police | They Think they’re Untouchable

I’ve worked in Police environments or directly with Police colleagues for 5 years and the experience has generally been awful. I’ve experienced a range of behaviours from physically inappropriate such as standing too close to me to gaslighting and sexually inappropriate comments. I’ve had both Police officers and staff constantly

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Susan | Stalking

It began with sexual harrassment online from an officer I was talking to. After I blocked him, he kept making new profiles and the same pattern of filthy messages would occur. I just kept blocking him figuring he would get bored. I was wrong, he showed up at my house,

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Charlotte | Sexual assault on a firearms course

I had worked very hard to build my reputation and successfully apply for a very male dominated firearms department. I was the only female on the 9 week residential firearms course. In general I was treated well on the course by the instructors apart from one who took a dislike

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Poppy | PCSO Colleague

PCSO colleague [redacted for legal reasons] sent pictures of his genitalia to female PCSO colleagues. He was given ‘advice’ by [senior rank], after I made anonymous report. On a night out PCSO colleague [redacted for legal reasons] sexually assaulted a female PCSO colleague. Female PCSO too scared to report, leaving her

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Beth | Bullied out of county x2

Watched your report, of how women who TRY to report rape are spoken to. Sadly I tried but detectives response was it was all a waste of tax payers money! Couldn’t believe my ears. So I pursued it but their determination to brush it under the carpet prevailed. I was

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