Firstly I have a learning difficulty after years of abuse as a child so sorry if I make mistakes.
I was sexually abused age 4 repetitively as my mum was sex worker leaving with her pimps and punters for weeks. Also she neglected me as newborn leaving me alone. The police knew all about this I made reports back then and all the medical examinations confirmed abuse sexually and physically, they were thrown out as my mum is a sad worker so they said it could of been anymore even though I told them who it was he was bailed and came back saying he set the house on fire, the police found we alone when my mum neglected me and didn’t take any action legally, just passed it to the social services. Never did any police ever put any order to protect me , then I was groomed by gangs and they covered it up scapegoated blamed me called a prostitute age 13 and then they committed misconduct against me every time they could, denied me help for domestic abuse and told everyone I’m not genuine even though I have all the evidence to prove that I was abused . They have done to much to me to even comprehend any one thing or communicate any one thing a whole institution who all believe me to be nothing.
Constabulary: Derbyshire Constabulary
Timespan: From age 4 onwards
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: Other Ethnic Group
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Attempted suicide more than once
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes