My story started with an illegal arrest of breaching a family court order, a malicious report by my own abusive family. Police put me on the Police national computer database and portrayed me as a criminal. Then violent police swat raids began at my home just after I gave birth at home, police denied accountability and continued to target me by issuing missing person reports. More break-ins and violent home raids continued and illegal searches causing me to be diagnosed with severe PTSD. Met police force and South Wales Police are the forces responsible.
I then experience inappropriate phonecalls by male police officers, harassment and nuisance calls, intending to cause me distress and alarm. After a period abroad, upon my return to the UK I am then under police surveillance by stationary police vehicles and unannounced visits to my abusive family, and more false missing person reports, causing me to have more unwanted interactions with different police officers. A brutal police attack in 2023 which was sexual and violent use of force, they falsely accused me of attacking them, a well known tactic. Following this, I receive harassing and annoying telephone calls by random police officers and breaching of my data information.
While recovering from PTSD caused by the police, they continue to show inappropriate behaviour such as phonecalls, which are always nuisance or aggressive towards me and cocky and arrogant male officers too, notably always white male officers. IN public places such as restaurant, cafe, they attempt to intimidate me by showing me they know who I am. Some male police officers stare at me, as if I’m well known to them.
Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say
Timespan: Over the last 11 years
Did you report it to the police?: Prefer not to say
Do you want to revisit this with the police?: No
Could you tell us why not?: Longstanding corruption
Your ethnicity: White British
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Thoughts/feelings
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: No

illustration by Danny Noble