Our Stories

Police Me Too has been set up by a victim/survivor

Amplifying the voices of women and girls who were abused by police instead of protected.
Each and every one of us deserves to be heard.
So, let’s show every police force that it isn’t just ‘one bad apple’, but their culture. We need structural and systemic changes to address the institutionalised misogyny and the closing of ranks. We need it to change. Now.

Trigger Warning for site content

*Please note that stories submitted here are moderated so it could take a little time before we publish them to the site – please bear with us!

Newquay Girl | Unwanted Harassment

I was a special constable and I saw far too much of dishonest serving police officers, this includes drink driving, beatings and reports of drug finds suddenly being significantly less than what was initially reported. Personally a traffic officer from Bodmin decided to stalk and harass me, parking outside my

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Charlotte | Domestic Abuse.

I lived with a serving police officer for 11yrs, we had a child together and we both had other children from previous relationships. My older children lived with us. He was verbally and physically abusive. I visited A & E depts on a number of occasions and also stayed at

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X | Charmed into affair then raped

I met a senior officer through community work who charmed me into a casual affair. I was a willing participant initially but when I said it was over, he raped me. He said he would decide when it would be over, not me. There was no point reporting it, he

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Charlie | Preyed on when vulnerable

I reported my controlling ex to Police after he was threatening my job etc and two males arrived because I had told police I was suicidal. When they left, one continued to text me and kept complimenting me, asking what gym I went to and if he could follow me

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Hannah | Casual misogyny

This is not a story of abuse or assault but just the alarming racism and misogyny normalised in the police force. My car broke down on a high speed road and the RAC advised I call the police first. One officer was so polite to me on the phone with

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Jane | Officer on hook up site

I was on a dating site for hook ups. Got a message from a police officer. He introduced himself as an officer, said I was ‘safe’ with him and said he was good with handcuffs. He had half naked photos wearing enough of his police uniform to show he was

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Catlady | ‘He likes the vulnerable ones’

On a night out in a bar, lots of cops on team nights out. Got chatting to a group of male officers, one of whom took quite an interest in me. He was attractive, I was flattered. I remember one of his mates saying ‘watch out, he likes the vulnerable

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StoppedInSurrey | Late night traffic stop

Driving home from a night out, completely sober and alone. 2 x male Officers pulled me over having followed me for several miles with no headlights on, and then put on the blues out of nowhere. I was terrified (aged 20). They aggressively questioned me and threatened to arrest me

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Girlalone | Predatory behaviour online

During 2018 I was very depressed due a a close relative passing away 18 months before. The police officer messaged me online, saying he’d also suffered cancer and I could message him anytime for support, I could trust him as he worked for the police and was not (in his

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Clare | Rape, violence and control

Shortly after giving birth, my ex husband began raping me whilst I was asleep and then became aggressive when I woke and told him to stop. I suffered lots of bruising (of which I have photos) and I was an absolute wreck and not sleeping, and when I tried to

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Sara78 | Sexual harassment / stalking

I worked for the police and shortly dated an officer. I quickly ended things but he wouldn’t leave me alone and it was intimidating and frightening. I complained and was moved to another location. Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say Timespan: 2016 Did you report it to the police?:

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| Raped by police officer husband

He gave me Amitriptyline ostensibly to help me sleep but at least one time he raped me in our bed. I was groggy with sleep but clearly told him no. I don’t know what happened all the other times he gave me these pills. I only started wondering after we

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Sarah | Domestic Violence living with a CID Detective

I lived with a CID detective for 5 years. Throughout the duration of the relationship he subjected me to emotional, financial, and physical abuse, along with coercive control. He was an alcoholic, would drink bottles of vodka on his days off like it was water. The neighbours called the police

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Caroline | Falsely Accused by a Manipulator’s Lies

I am currently experiencing the most surreal, distressing, and bullying scenario at the hands of Hampshire Constabulary, which can only be described as either a bad joke or a bad dream. Two members of Police Staff have made false accusations of irrationality, by the manipulation of my abusive ex partner’s

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Jade | Coercive control & sexual assault

Constabulary: Cheshire Constabulary Timespan: 2016 onwards Did you report it to the police?: Yes Your ethnicity: White British Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Attempted suicide once Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: No

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