Our Stories
Police Me Too has been set up by a victim/survivor
Amplifying the voices of women and girls who were abused by police instead of protected.
Each and every one of us deserves to be heard.
So, let’s show every police force that it isn’t just ‘one bad apple’, but their culture. We need structural and systemic changes to address the institutionalised misogyny and the closing of ranks. We need it to change. Now.
Trigger Warning for site content
*Please note that stories submitted here are moderated so it could take a little time before we publish them to the site – please bear with us!
Whistleblower | Sex offences officer uploads revenge porn
Reported a rape that had been covered up for years, was arrested after making sufficient noise about this. Devices seized and a video of me uploaded to adult websites from my phone by the arresting officer as a means to discredit me. Crime covered up and not investigated to protect
Flying | Coercive control, financial abuse
Married to an officer for over 10 years. Attempted to leave multiple times. Was threatened with being done for child kidnapping if I left with the kids and child abandonment if I dared leave without them. Eventually they were arrested for assaulting me and removed from the home- but
Milly |
I married a police officer in the 1970s He was abusive, physical and emotional. He was a firearms officer and threatened me and the children. I called the police endlessly, as did neighbours. It was I that was threatened. He stayed in his job, I had a complete breakdown.
Elizabeth | Police husband physical and mental abuse
I know this happened many years ago but even now I still live with the memories of what happened that has affected my life ever since. At the age of 17 I married a police constable after a 2 year courtship where I had no indication as to what
Jay | GMP failures and corruption
My husband is a narcissist. He has abused me psychologically, emotionally, financially and sexually. I have been raped, sexually assaulted, harassed, stalked, gaslighted and controlled, all reported to GMP yet nothing has been done as I am in the unfortunate position of my husband working for the same force.
Avocet. | Misogynistic Police Failure.
I was with a narcissistic abuser for several years. Who stalked me, psychologically abused me, gaslighting, devaluing and degraded me. Coercive control, sexual harassment, physically violent at times. I reported everything to GMP and they inflicted further abuse upon me by laughing at me and gaslighting me. They even ignored
Annoyances | Abuse and the men did come free of it
Good evening I am very very upset I was 6 years in a relationship with a Police men he emotionally abuse me and left his hands on me it was going on for 4 years he begins with emotional abuse 1 month ago he come from work and he start
Transport police at ebsfleet | CCTV not working
I went to Belgium from ebsfleet. Upon my return I was at passport control and the officer pointed at his computer screen and said ‘was you there for your birthday’? … I didn’t understand what he meant so I turned to look at the screen. He shouted at me to
| Police corruption-using power for own purpose
I have been dealing with Kent police for the last 4 & half years. There has been a lot of misconduct & corruption within the force. They allow perpetrators to continue breaking the law because if they don’t then their misconduct would be revealed. In the past I have reported
BristolianDynamite | Bully culture in A&S Constabulary.
I was a PCDA student and being in the police was my ambition. My family didn’t like the idea of being in the armed forces, so I compromised. Coming from a working class area with poverty and underachievement around me, I did get initial flak in the processing stage from
Karen | Police officer stalking me online and on Snapchat.
A police officer found my details after I reported sexual harassment/ exploitation. He added me on all my social media accounts. Befriended me, groomed me and gained my trust. He turns the conversation sexual on Snapchat and at first it was really inappropriate explicit language like wanting to pound me,
Claire | Abusive partner
Details of SA and r**e Love bombed in the beginning with gifts and “I love you” weeks after we met. He was coercive and controlling with sex very early on, was often guilted or pressured into performing when I didn’t want to, despite knowing my history with abuse (or actually
Bex |
I’m not ‘woke’. I’m not a prude. I can take a joke. Joining the Police, I thought I was joining a professional organisation. I couldn’t have been more wrong. It’s a toxic culture. It’s a boys club, not what you know but who you know. And they all protect each
Morag | Illegal entry and assault by officers
On the [redacted for legal reasons]. Two officers came to my door. Entered without a warrant or permission. This was to arrest my daughter who does not live with me. Officer [redacted for legal reasons] then attempted to grab my daughter (there are stairs behind my front door). Because she
StopPoliceBrutality | Police Harassment,Raids,illegal arrests, surveillance, police brutality UK
My story started with an illegal arrest of breaching a family court order, a malicious report by my own abusive family. Police put me on the Police national computer database and portrayed me as a criminal. Then violent police swat raids began at my home just after I gave birth
Pollie | Failure & ignorance of SA safeguarding & DV
From the age of 6/7 I was SA as a child. At age 9 SS & police were involved due to another family member making a report to the police by my perpetrator. I was separated from him but somehow he had access & threatened if I said anything I’d
Freya’s speech at FiLiA Conference 2022 on the panel for police-perpetrated abuse with Q&A.
The Inquiry heard repeatedly how institutions prioritised their own reputations, and those of individuals within them, above the protection of children. That’s what the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse published in their concluding report on Thursday. This was a statutory public inquiry held under the Inquiries Act.The police, though.
Your stories | To the brave women with the strongest hearts
I have been reading all of your stories for the last 5 hours (it is now 02:54am) these stories have filled my heart and overwhelmed my mind. Tonight I have read the most difficult real life stories, I have ever heard and I believe every word I have read; it
HannahC | You can’t make it up….
I was arrested in 2022 after asking for help twice because of what someone had done to me, from two different forces and was ignored. In custody, I was taunted and treated horrifically by the custody staff. They mocked me, turned my call button off so I couldn’t get water
| Bias and victim blaming Met
I was sexually assaulted by a police officer. He told them it was consensual and they failed to check basic facts from his account that would have been impossible and so showed he was clearly lying. They were only concerned with my credibility and, even though more people came forward
staff | sexual assault at work
I worked in an open plan office which had a big range of people of different teams and type of work going on. There were little offices to the sides. An officer asked to speak to me about something which wasn’t an unusual occurrence. We were friends I thought and