Driving home from a night out, completely sober and alone. 2 x male Officers pulled me over having followed me for several miles with no headlights on, and then put on the blues out of nowhere. I was terrified (aged 20). They aggressively questioned me and threatened to arrest me when the control room person took time to confirm I was insured. They said I was stopped due to luxury vehicle thefts in the area but I had a tiny little banger being driven sensibly. I said no to them searching the car and one stormed back to the Police car and started slamming its doors in anger. It really frightened me. My Mum complained but never heard back.
Constabulary: Surrey Police
Timespan: 2008
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: White British
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: No
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: No