I was arrested [redacted for legal reasons] and brought into a police station in a van.
Yet two of the male officers who were at my house followed me on Twitter before I’d even left the police station. I was stunned to see the notifications on my phone when I finally got home after midnight.
One of them even messaged me and asked to meet up, saying he could help make my investigation go more smoothly with his colleagues.
I am facing serious charges [redacted for legal reasons]. So I was very tempted to meet him for a while, in the hope he could persuade his colleagues to stop investigating.
Instead, I told the police and even provided screenshots of these messages, but they won’t investigate this misconduct until after they’ve closed my case. However, I’ve now been under investigation [redacted for legal reasons] and I’m wondering if this is a deliberate strategy to avoid scrutiny, as there won’t be any evidence I’ve done anything illegal. I’m also worried about the fact that this officer is still on the investigation team of my case. What if he or his colleagues make things up as retribution for me providing those screenshots?
Constabulary: Devon and Cornwall Police
Timespan: A few years ago
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: White British
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Prefer not to say
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes