Your stories

Smores | Kent Police, culture of corrupt policing

I met my now ex husband having escaped a previous convicted violent domestic abuse perpetrator and career criminal. I thought because my new partner was a police officer, that he wouldn’t be anything like my ex partner. How wrong was I!!! Initially I was blinded by the high degree of

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R.C | S.A when a kid

I was street sleeping in Delamere Park in Manchester as a teenager in about 92/93 and was sexually assaulted by a policeman while his colleague stood guard. Constabulary: Greater Manchester Police Timespan: Around 1993 Did you report it to the police?: No Your ethnicity: White British Have you experienced suicidality

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Uncomfortable with Police | They Think they’re Untouchable

I’ve worked in Police environments or directly with Police colleagues for 5 years and the experience has generally been awful. I’ve experienced a range of behaviours from physically inappropriate such as standing too close to me to gaslighting and sexually inappropriate comments. I’ve had both Police officers and staff constantly

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Jane | Female officer sexually assaulted by colleague

Hello, I would just like to share my experience. I am a serving police officer of nearly 19 years. I got sexually assaulted around 9 years ago by a colleague whilst at work (I am a surveillance officer). We were deployed together in a pub, he drunk 8 pints of

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Susan | Stalking

It began with sexual harrassment online from an officer I was talking to. After I blocked him, he kept making new profiles and the same pattern of filthy messages would occur. I just kept blocking him figuring he would get bored. I was wrong, he showed up at my house,

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Charlotte | Sexual assault on a firearms course

I had worked very hard to build my reputation and successfully apply for a very male dominated firearms department. I was the only female on the 9 week residential firearms course. In general I was treated well on the course by the instructors apart from one who took a dislike

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Poppy | PCSO Colleague

PCSO colleague [redacted for legal reasons] sent pictures of his genitalia to female PCSO colleagues. He was given ‘advice’ by [senior rank], after I made anonymous report. On a night out PCSO colleague [redacted for legal reasons] sexually assaulted a female PCSO colleague. Female PCSO too scared to report, leaving her

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Beth | Bullied out of county x2

Watched your report, of how women who TRY to report rape are spoken to. Sadly I tried but detectives response was it was all a waste of tax payers money! Couldn’t believe my ears. So I pursued it but their determination to brush it under the carpet prevailed. I was

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Ms P | Attempt rape and stalking by supervisor

It was frowned upon to be a tattle tell, back in the day, so I didn’t. Someone told on my behalf, I’ve never known who. A police night out went wrong for me, a supervisor (unpopular and a lot older than me) wanted to phone for a taxi and asked

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Newquay Girl | Unwanted Harassment

I was a special constable and I saw far too much of dishonest serving police officers, this includes drink driving, beatings and reports of drug finds suddenly being significantly less than what was initially reported. Personally a traffic officer from Bodmin decided to stalk and harass me, parking outside my

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Charlotte | Domestic Abuse.

I lived with a serving police officer for 11yrs, we had a child together and we both had other children from previous relationships. My older children lived with us. He was verbally and physically abusive. I visited A & E depts on a number of occasions and also stayed at

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X | Charmed into affair then raped

I met a senior officer through community work who charmed me into a casual affair. I was a willing participant initially but when I said it was over, he raped me. He said he would decide when it would be over, not me. There was no point reporting it, he

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