I was a new Police Constable within the force, another officer who I knew from college, added me on Snapchat. To begin with, he would ask how the job was going, he then turned the conversation sexual, telling me he was ‘horny’ and asking if wanted to watch him ‘play’?. Without me replying to these messages, he would continue to send videos on Snapchat of him masturbating, moaning my name and then ejaculating. This continued for 2 months. This officer was also the son of [redacted for legal reasons]. Therefore I was extremely anxious/frightened of saying anything to anyone.
I was made aware that this officer had done this to other female officers. The females (the victims) were interviewed numerous times, investigated and interrogated. The police officer in question was interviewed one evening, with him admitting to what he had done, but stated “I thought they enjoyed it”. With this activity from the officer taking place over Snapchat, there was no evidence over his actions therefore it was finalised as ‘No further action’.
Myself was then pulled upon investigation questioning my integrity and morals as a Police Officer as I didn’t report the incident when it first occurred. An incident, that apparently never occurred, due to NFA for him. I became increasingly unwell, resorting to excessive drinking, diagnosed with anxiety and depression, prescribed antidepressants, and losing an excessive amount of weight. I was provided no support by the force, and when returning from ‘sick leave’ with mental health from the situation, I handed my resignation in. It was at this point, management were planning to dismiss me due to being off on sick leave for too long with ‘mental health issues’.
Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say
Timespan: 2021
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: White British
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Thoughts/feelings
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: No