Victim | Let down by corrupt police

My abusers family know police officers. My abuse from my ex who is not in the police was downplayed and not reported properly. The first officer who I eventually reported the abuse to told me to ‘man up’. When my ex took my son and I to family court after 5 years of no contact whatsoever, the court didn’t have enough evidence because the police didn’t take it seriously enough. My abuser accused me of domestic abuse to turn the abuse around.
I had another police officer come out to me and he sat next to me on my sofa. Then got closer so he was touching my leg with his.
The whole police and Family court and CAFCASS system is corrupt and broken and puts victims back with their perpetrators endangering them once again. Family court and the police are full of narcissistic monsters. It stems right from the top.
I know female officers who have left the force due to inappropriate behaviour from fellow officers.
This is between 2013 to 2021.

Constabulary: Suffolk Constabulary

Timespan: 2013 to 2021

Did you report it to the police?: Yes

Your ethnicity: White British

Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Thoughts/feelings

Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: No

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