On the [redaction made for legal reasons] following a ‘check on welfare’ call out the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] turned up instead of an ambulance. The police force [redaction made for legal reasons] sent 2 police vans and a police car at approximately [redaction made for legal reasons]. At least 5 officers were dispatched to my home address in [redaction made for legal reasons]. For context, I am a passive individual with no history of violence; I have no history of mental health issues; I am not on any medication past or present, and I have no alcohol or drug dependency issues.
I refused the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] entry but an officer still broke in to my property.
I felt overwhelmed and intimidated by the excessive and unnecessary ‘manpower’ dispatched for me. I needed an ambulance and not the police. Physically I was feeling unwell due to being very intoxicated at the time. The officers drove away with me in the back of a police van. According to the police force [redaction made for legal reasons], I was taken to [redaction made for legal reasons] Custody Suite at [redaction made for legal reasons]. During this time, I was drugged and subjected to both physical and sexual abuse. I was then silenced by the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] and put under a Section 2 at [redaction made for legal reasons].
Prior to the Section 2 I had sobered up at some point whilst in the custody cell. However, I remember waking up completely naked with only a custody blanket covering my body. A male officer came to the cell and told me to drink some water and go to sleep. I was sober and ready to go home at this point but this officer ignored my requests. (I remember this male officer being on shift both days that I was detained). I drank the water and remember falling asleep. I believe this is when my behaviour altered and the majority of the abuse happened after this point.
Approximately 3.5 hours later I was presented to a hospital by the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] at [redaction made for legal reasons] on [redaction made for legal reasons]. On my departure from the station, I had anal bleeding; vaginal bleeding; I was struggling to walk, sit or stand without severe discomfort and pain even swallowing water hurt my throat. I had bruising on my neck, arms and legs.
On arrival at the hospital, my speech was severely pressured and slurred. The police force [redaction made for legal reasons] knew the ‘chemsex’ and ‘date-rape’ drugs they used would make me extremely ‘incoherent’. The police force [redaction made for legal reasons] knew their cover up Section sign-off would mean I would be unable to legally consent to a medical examination, I would lose the early stage forensics medical examination (FME) window and the drugs used would be ‘untraceable’. Subsequently, the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] gave the hospital a false, inaccurate and therefore misleading narrative.
My hospital discharge notes on [redaction made for legal reasons] state that the:
REASON FOR ADMISSON: drug induced psychosis: patient potentially spiked and assaulted.
It was the hospital who in the first instance prompted the narrative of a drug facilitated assault following their assessment and observations of me. The hospitals recommendation and advice meant I made a report that I was drugged and sexually assaulted prior to arriving at hospital by contacting 101 on [redaction made for legal reasons].
I know my personal timeline now. I had no visitors and did not leave my home 2 days prior to the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] turning up. I was drugged and sexually assaulted whilst under police force [redaction made for legal reasons] ‘care’ from [date redaction made for legal reasons] to [date redaction made for legal reasons]. I was not drugged and sexually assaulted at hospital.
In an error of judgement, I got very intoxicated in the comfort of my own home out of boredom during lockdown. I called a friend saying I wasn’t feeling well physically and he made the call to 999 which led to the ‘check on welfare’. Despite this, the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] are keen to push the ‘suicidal’ and ‘insane’ narrative to invalidate me which contradicts my hospital report. I was taken from my home without the physical injuries which were evident during my time at hospital. Given that I was under the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] ‘care’ throughout the period prior to this, the injuries I received could only have come from police officers [redaction made for legal reasons].
The police force [redaction made for legal reasons] conducted an internal investigation that I wasn’t aware of until I received correspondence from [redactions made for legal reasons]. This investigation involved viewing the bodyworn footage of the attending officers only. Footage from custody where the assault took place was not viewed. The police force’s [redaction made for legal reasons] internal investigation was therefore insufficient. The advice seems to be to make an official complaint via the relevant channels (Professional Standards). However, the police force [redaction made for legal reasons] are unlikely to investigate themselves without a clear bias.
Those who were responsible and complicit are still working. This concerns me. I want and deserve justice for what happened to me which at the moment and from my experience so far seems unlikely. If I can’t get justice I want to share my experience so others are aware of the level of corruption that exists within the police force [redaction made for legal reasons]. I don’t want anyone to experience what I did. Therefore, I believe this to be a matter of public interest. To date no one has been held to account for what happened to me.
Prior to moving to [redaction made for legal reasons], I was in an extremely violent relationship . After relocating, I was put under the police force’s [redaction made for legal reasons] Domestic Violence Units ‘protection’ due to a ‘threat to life’, my life. The level of risk was assessed as ‘extremely high’. [Redaction made for legal reasons]. So, I do think my ‘background, lifestyle-choices and occupation’ played a part as to why I was targeted by the police force [redaction made for legal reasons]. Not only was I an easy target but when you add living alone to that mix it made me extremely vulnerable too.
Constabulary: [redacted for legal reasons]
Timespan: 2021
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: Asian and Minority Ethnic
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Prefer not to say