I was waiting on a train platform at Sheffield to pick my husband up from a train. It was in the days before mobiles so if you said a place you had to be there at the right time. There was a crowd of policemen waiting for a football train. They started looking at me and talking to each other. One police officer [redaction made for legal reasons] was well over 6 foot, he strolled over and asked ‘what I was doing there?’ I said I was ‘waiting for my husband’ he then started to make comments loudly about my looks and ‘if I was his wife the only time I would be let out of bed would be to fetch coal in’, they were all laughing and jeering at me which was humiliating and I really hated the attention. Never trusted police since.
Constabulary: South Yorkshire Police
Timespan: 1984
Did you report it to the police?: No
Your ethnicity: White British
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Prefer not to say