I was a victim of my ex partner’s stalking. I went to the police station to report it.
I saw an officer there who I knew by sight.
He took it upon himself to pop in and see me on his way to work. He was soon popping in during his night shifts. It was inevitable.
I was falling in love. Why wouldnt I!?
He was authoritative strong and protective. Took him months to make his move but he was building up my trust.
After sex he would wash me off like a watercolour and leave. He was married.
He would talk about love. I thought for years that it was. That he just couldn’t leave his wife. I discovered other women he was sleeping with at the time a few years later. Of course he explained this as a breakdown.
He still claims he likes me. He’s simply covering his back.
He’s no longer a serving officer. But was a senior officer. [redaction of rank made for legal reasons]
Constabulary: North Wales Police
Timespan: Over 2 decades ago
Did you report it to the police?: No
Your ethnicity: White British