The police service helping a person whom has committed fraud physical sexual abuse rape harassment stalking used weapons that being knives to threaten me along with attempted murder putting me in a headlock wrote all my correspondence including my resignation letter he has been allowed to post and disclose my details on twitter and makes inappropriate comments and messages. No evidence has been taken to do any investigation properly. I have been abused sustained physical injuries along with continued abuse bullying behaviour rape sexual abuse and continue a course of conduct and continued misogynistic behaviour on top of my ex partners abuse by officers but also allowing others to commit crimes on me and do nothing and lie. Those forces helping it is abuse bullying lies by police officers and criminal abuse and it is continued abuse by those who are supposed to be protecting victims only abusing an ex officer and parents.
Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say
Timespan: 2002 ongoing
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Do you want to revisit this with the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: Prefer not to say
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: No
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes