I am one of the many people who complained about the political and intimidating behaviour of whoever runs the Police LGBT+ Network Twitter account. The main trigger was a tweet from the account in Feb 2021 responding to comments from the public about the account’s political statements re trans identifying men in women’s sports. The tweet said: “We have a short message for all those posting hateful comments. We see you, we’ve reported your comments and we won’t stop supporting trans and non binary people. #noplaceforhate. As directed, I reported my concerns to the professional standards dept of my local force, [redaction made because the poster had selected ‘Prefer not to say’ option in the Constabulary field] (although it is unlikely anyone from this force runs the account). I explained that I and many others felt personally intimidated by the behaviour of whoever was running this account. After repeatedly chasing my complaint for six months, I was informed a decision of “no further action” had been taken. My request to know the identity of whoever controls the account has never been answered. My local Office of the PCC has now agreed to review the PS dept’s decision.
Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say
Timespan: 2021
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: White British