I was 17, my Dad had recently died I was in turmoil. I was arrested one night for trespass taken to the police station by two police men. One was an older man the other was young. I was bailed and my mum came to get me. Whilst home alone two days later the young officer came to the house and said he could help me if I had sex with him. I slammed the door in his face. He then came repeatedly back to the house to sit with my mum and kind of groomed and befriended my mum and older sister. This went on for several months . It was frightening and very disempowering. I was already seeing a psychiatrist because of self harming and this just confused and alienated me from my family even more as they thought he was harmless and I was being over dramatic…….several years later my mum told me she had read in the local paper that the same policeman had been charged with sexual offences. It still makes me shudder!
Constabulary: Metropolitan Police Service
Timespan: 1968
Did you report it to the police?: No
Your ethnicity: White British