The police closed off our cul-de-sac in [redaction made for legal reasons] while an armed siege took place for several days nearby. They came to each house, and my sister and I who were [redaction made for legal reasons] and had not had any relationships got friendly with 2 officers who then asked us out. They were both handsome and charming and we both fell hopelessly in love. These relationships (which eventually became them just calling around for sex) carried on well after the siege was over even though both officers were married. My sister, who was very unwell to start with, became very distressed when the officer ended their relationship and she died shortly afterwards. She pined away really. My relationship carried on for some time then he stopped calling. I feel shattered, even now, as we both fell in love but we were just used, and I have had no more relationships.
Constabulary: Durham Constabulary
Timespan: 1992
Did you report it to the police?: No
Your ethnicity: White British