I was just 16 and loved my 17 year old boyfriend very much. His father was a Police Officer and his police dog lived in their house too. He’d had a very public affair and I’m not sure his marriage was good but boyfriend’s mum was lovely and I enjoyed spending time with their family. One day the father gave me a lift home but stopped the car in a lay-by. I didn’t know that what followed was rape until many many years later. The dog was in the car too. He flattered me and left absolutely no space for discussion, hushing my words by holding his hand over my mouth. He said it was the best sex he’d ever had. I was young, naive and VERY confused. But I’d not consented. He dropped me at home afterwards coming in to see my parents and shaking hands with my father. When he left they were profuse in their praise for him. That wasn’t the only time it happened. The next time was in the house and another on a walk. I’d arrived to see my boyfriend but he wasn’t in so I went for a walk but was followed. I was grabbed from behind and carried into a hedge. He made the dog sit and watch as once again he raped me. He wrapped it up in flattery and compliments but it wasn’t consensual. I had no choice.
Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say
Timespan: Over 6 month period 1978
Did you report it to the police?: No
Your ethnicity: White British