I was in a domestically violent relationship and I reported and gained a conviction for my perpetrator it was not the conviction I wanted but it was something.
I was not supported anywhere near where the basic standards are set and had to fight for what support I did receive throughout the whole process.
In the process of doing this there were multiple arrests and bail hearings made for the perpetrator. Each time he was released not remanded. Upon leaving the relationship I fled to a women’s refuge and then settled in a place far away from where it all happened. When he was arrested and bailed for a further accusation I made about sexual assault, the police failed to communicate to the cps that he was not to know my resettled address which lead to the cps seeking bail conditions alerting my perpetrator to my whereabouts. The life I worked so hard to rebuild destroyed in seconds and I had to flee all over again. This destroyed my recovery process and set me back even further than before. This man was known to the police not only for the crimes against me but for numerous violent and dangerous things. This all happened before I managed to get the convictions I wanted and the level of charges were nowhere near where they should have been, the police officer dealing with my cases was not contactable in the months leading up to this case. After my court date I waited 8 months before the police contacted me about my sexual assault accusations for them to tell me there was nothing they could do and it was my word against his.
I am sharing this story in hope that some of you with similar stories are reading and you take to this page to share as I would like to know how many women have been impacted by the carelessness of the system and its lack of proactive steps to prevent women from further harm. Luckily I fled the leaked address immediately and had a support network to ensure my own safety as even the police would not help me retrieve my things. I fear that some will not have what I did and be victim to further harm as a result of these errors. I look forward to reading what you have to share.
Constabulary: N/A or Prefer not to say
Timespan: In the last 5 years
Did you report it to the police?: Prefer not to say
Do you want to revisit this with the police?: No
Your ethnicity: Prefer not to say
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Prefer not to say
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Prefer not to say