Nottinghamshire Police failed me badly in my reporting of DV in 2014/15/16. I was coercively forced to sign a caution at one point when there was no evidence of wrongdoing by me, and I was told I had to sign that caution before I could again report my former partner for domestic abuse. This started a long running legal battle with Nottinghamshire Police that is now on to the fourth legal action since 2016. This current legal action is a data breach claim. The police officer who forced me to sign the caution in 2016 (before she would allow me to make a further report of domestic abuse) failed to record my domestic abuse report which was a full signed witness statement reporting extensive abuse and ABH by my former partner. She did not investigate anything in my report, and failed to seek out all my previous reports made on the same man. Further down the line, likely during an IOPC investigation that Nottinghamshire Police referred themselves to in 2019/20 (with regard failing me on reporting of DV) that police officer/another member of staff deleted all records of my even being in police stations making my domestic abuse reports, and deleted all incident records of my reporting DV. Witness Summonses were issued by a County Court at the end of October 2023 to summons this police officer (now promoted to [rank redacted for legal reasons]) and her colleague from Nottinghamshire Police PSD to give evidence on their involvement on my data breach. Within the week of the summonses being issued, they had me arrested and detained for 15 hours in police cells. I was released without charge and put on bail without conditions for 3 months. That matter lead to no further action at the beginning of February 2024. As soon as the matter was NFAd, the police started to circle back again to my home, day and night, and I was again arrested on allegations by this same police officer, and again detained in the cells, and now on bail again for another 3 months. The hearing for my data breach claim is in [redacted for legal reasons], and I believe they will simply keep arresting and detaining me in cells to stop me speaking out and to intimidate me as a Claimant against Nottinghamshire Police. There seems to be no one in charge of Nottinghamshire Police or willing to challenge the endemic culture of corruption and abuse in this force.
Constabulary: Nottinghamshire Police
Timespan: 2016 to current (2024)
Did you report it to the police?: Yes
Do you want to revisit this with the police?: Yes
Your ethnicity: White Minority Ethnic
Have you experienced suicidality due to this?: Thoughts/feelings
Are you disabled as defined under the Equality Act 2010?: Yes